Quantum Error Correcting Codes
Benchmark Wiki

Full Stack Error Correction

The qECC Bench Wiki provides easy access to simulations of error correcting codes, under a variety of noise models and syndrome extraction circuits, utilizing a variety of competing decoding algorithms.
A variety of code families are available in this benchmarks database, together with links to how to construct the parity check matrices for these codes. To learn more about classification and construction of families of codes, check out our colleagues at the ECC Zoo, the most thorough bibliographical reference on codes.
Each code's performance is benchmarked against many different syndrome decoding algorithms, depending on what structure in the code can be exploited.
There are many different ways to run error correction protocols, and different types of syndrome extraction circuits, especially when you need to consider fault tolerance, not mere error correction. We cover a number of different techniques, together with links to how to generate such circuits for yourself.

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